
Friday, August 9, 2013

Five for Friday...Powering Up for 2013-2014

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week. Tuesday was my first day back at work, and it has been a "Super" power packed week preparing for the new school year!  I'm linking up with Doodles Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday to share.

1. "I Teach What's Your Superpower" is the district theme this year. Everyone received a t-shirt.  

2. We discussed what our superpowers were and created superpower capes to wear on the back of our shirts at convocation. Here is mine 

3. Our principal shared this video about millennials; this generation of facebookers, instagramers, tweeters, bloggers and YouTubers. The video is definitely worth watching. It talks about who the millennials are and why they are misunderstood. It really puts a lot into perspective about this generation. 

4. Having some fun with one of my teaching buddies and a little bit of augmented reality. You can find this poster and others like it at Walmart. I can't wait to take photos of my students and Superman on the first day. 

5. "With great power, comes great responsibility!!!" A fitting quote for teachers everywhere. We all have a lot of power and responsibility. 

Have a super powered school year, and don't forget to link up. 

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